Pack Meetings
Pack meetings are typically held on the 4th Tuesday of the month. Pack meeting are typically held at the American Legion Hall Post 127 on Highway 9. Our meetings are family events and parents and sibling are encouraged to attend and participate.
September is typically a welcome back from summer event and focused on new scouts entering the pack.
October is our Rain Gutter Regatta meeting. Where scouts build and finally race boats down a rainwater filled with water. They race by blowing air through a straw onto the sails of the boat.
January is our Pinewood Derby meeting. Perhaps the most anticipated pack meeting of the year. Scouts and their parents build a car and then race them down a log track!
February is our Blue & Gold Banquet meeting. This is a pot luck event where we ask parents to cook and share a dish they love from their cultural or heritage. This is a great time or kids to taste local and international foods.
March is the Webelos Graduation. This is when the oldest scouts end their time as cub scouts and crossover into a Scout Troop to begin their trail to become an Eagle Scout.
May is the Rocket Derby. Kids get to decorate and with an adult leader, they get to shoot their rockets several hundred feet in the air.
June is pack graduation month. This is when the rest of the pack receive their rank they spent all year working on and graduates to the next level in cub scouts.